Who are we?

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Sacramento, CA, United States
We create desserts as unique and special as you and your event. We believe you CAN have you cake and eat it too, but you can also have mousse, pies and tarts, crème brûlée, or éclairs! Special events are just that, SPECIAL and nothing says PARTY like those sweet little bites at the end of the party.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Artistic License - The Flower Farm Inn

This is the last of the pictures from my Artistic License series and I'm still holding out on getting some better, possibly more detailed shots, to share with you, but in the mean time... here we go!

This cake is a translation of a dress, or possibly just formal wear. The only guidance I was given on colors or theme was that the bridesmaids would be wearing lavender and they guys would be wearing charcoal. With that in mind I airbrushed the whole cake lavender (yes, it does look light blue in this picture, but I promise, it was in face a lovely shade of light purple). The hand made buttons (with the most darling floral detail) were painted silver. (I like using a metallic to contrast a dark color.) The little stitching and the ribbon were charcoal grey. The ribbon was actually a trick... I wasn't able to find a shade of ribbon that I liked, so I used two ribbons... a black satin and a shear grey. To secure them and add more stitching detail I did little beads of icing in the charcoal grey.

I also played around a little with the tiers. Yes, it was a big cake, that being said... I like how the shorter tiers support the standard tiers. I think this would be an amazing look even for a traditional wedding cake, particularly with the standard tiers being white or ivory and the supporting tiers being a bold color... imagine what that would look like from a distance!!! What a dramatic cake!

This was a great, simply elegant cake that not only worked with the space (very Craftsman), but the colors were a nice variation on a traditional wedding cake.

I have to say this Artistic License experiment has been a great success. I've been able to play and experiment and use some tools that I haven't been able to use in a long time. I also had the most darling, sweet and flexible brides out there... I don't care what anyone else says... most brides are not bride-zillas! I can't wait to do this again next year!

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